Chetanananda's book- Choose to be Happy, I found in a bookstore-just browsing, when I was on a small vacation in Santa Cruz CA. Rudi's and Chetanananda's methods of teaching are different, it seems, but both teachers reach way deep into finding and staying ... All these books have been great tools in my spiritual development. Again, thanks for the link. I have wanted to read this book for several years. Her is a Rudi link I would like to ...
Chetanananda's book- Choose to be Happy, I found in a bookstore-just browsing, when I was on a small vacation in Santa Cruz CA. Rudi's and Chetanananda's methods of teaching are different, it seems, but both teachers reach way deep into finding and staying ... All these books have been great tools in my spiritual development. Again, thanks for the link. I have wanted to read this book for several years. Her is a Rudi link I would like to ...
Dříve nejhonosnější hotel Alexandria se opravuje, snad vstane z mrtvých co nejdříve. V bukovém lese asi po 2 km stojíme na rozcestí Bílý kříž a protínáme silnici, chlapci jdou dnes rychleji , tak je nechávám vpředu a vyrážím po lesní cestě podle ... Přecházím silnici z Bojkovic do Rudimova a přes louku scházím do města Bojkovic, kde hned v první restauraci vidím své druhy u piva. Pijí teprve první, takže mi příliš neutekli. Hospoda je hezká a moderní, jmenuje se Chalupa. ...